Nov 02, 2020

A common question that many people have is, what is the difference between Veganism and Vegetarianism? A lot of people may get confused and think that they are the same thing, when in fact they are vastly different.

To begin with, there are several different categories for Vegetarians:

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians - include lactose and eggs in their diets. No meat or poultry.
Lacto Vegetarians - no eggs in their diets, but they do consume dairy. They also prefer not to eat other animal products.
Pescatarian - Vegetarian diet with the exception of eating fish
Flexitarian - eats a 'mostly vegetarian' diet but every so often will include meat in their diet.
Vegans - no egg or dairy products, or products that have utilized animals in any way whatsoever.

A lot of people don’t know the difference between vegans and vegetarians, so rather than asking if a food is vegan, which may cause people to answer in the mindset of “no, there isn’t any chunks of meat in this,” versus, “No, there are no animals or animal by-products present in this dish.” That can cause some strife, not just for the vegan but for the person who is attempting to be hospitable.

There is no shame in any way you choose to live your life or the diet that works best for you and your body’s specific needs. It is important not to shame others for the way they live their lives, especially if you want to begin to create a more tolerant world that is accepting of the ideologies veganism often stands for. By being receptive, we create a more receptive world that is more likely to listen to our point of view in a way that doesn’t feel threatening to them so they may choose one day to try it for themselves and see how it feels. Even just a single meatless Monday can be a huge step in helping to eliminate needless suffering in animals.

Now that we have cleared up the difference between Vegetarianism and Veganism, try a vegan diet yourself and check out the tips in the attached infographic from Vegan Society, where you can find more information on the Vegan diet and lifestyle.

You can also see my previous post on 'Reasons to Consider a Vegetarian Lifestyle', which can also apply to a Vegan Lifestyle: diet or lifestyle you choose, take care of yourself and choose to do at least one thing to improve your health today.

MAKE a great day!
aka Health & Wellnurse

DISCLAIMER: The content in this Post is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Jennifer Anastacio and Health & Wellnurse are not liable for any loss, injury, or damages resulting from the use or interpretation of this information. Individual results may vary. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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