Aug 21, 2020

Today is National Seniors Day. It is a special occasion for me to have the opportunity to tell my mother how much I love and appreciate her. You see, my mom recently had a major stroke a few months ago. There is a reason they call stroke 'the Silent Killer'. It came without warning! One day she was walking on a mountainside, happy, singing and talking about future plans, and the next day she was bedridden on a hospital bed, unable to move her left side, unable to talk or express herself properly, and unable to swallow. My mother has a long healing journey ahead of her but with a healthy holistic approach, a lot of love, and a positive attitude, I am confident that she will make some remarkable progress. We have no idea what tomorrow brings, but we have today to be grateful and appreciate our loved ones. To honor her, and all the precious elders in our lives, I dedicate this page to them.

To celebrate National Senior's Day, I want to share some health information I gathered that may be helpful for you, caregivers of elders, and the special ones in your life who have walked a long path in life.

To access the articles and other health articles, click on the link below to join my Facebook group.

Enjoy and pls share