Thyme Knocks Down Viral Loads In The Body

Thyme Knocks Down Viral Loads In The Body

Jan 18, 2022

Did you know that Thyme is a powerful ANTI-VIRAL? Much needed and beneficial, especially during these times! Here is the Medical Medium's Thyme tea and Thyme water recipe that can be taken daily to strengthen your immune system and fight those viruses.

How do I make Thyme Tea?

2 sprigs of fresh thyme
10-16 oz hot water
optional: fresh lemon and/or raw honey

Place fresh thyme in a mug and pour hot water over the herb, allowing it to steep for 15 minutes or more. Remove thyme sprigs or strain. Sweeten with raw honey and/or lemon. Sip and enjoy!

How do I make Thyme Water?

2 whole bunches fresh thyme sprigs
32-64 oz filtered or spring water
optional: fresh lemon, raw honey, berries, cucumber slices, mint, etc.

Fill jug or pitcher with room temperature water and add thyme sprigs. Allow to soak on the kitchen counter overnight. In the morning remove/strain thyme sprigs and add lemon or raw honey or any optional ingredients you’d like. Sip water throughout the day for the hydration and healing benefits.

See the link below for the full article.

Time to try Thyme today!

Health & Wellnurse

DISCLAIMER: The content in this Post is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Jennifer Anastacio and Health & Wellnurse are not liable for any loss, injury, or damages resulting from the use or interpretation of this information. Individual results may vary. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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