Cholesterol Exposed: Everything You Thought You Knew is Wrong

Cholesterol Exposed: Everything You Thought You Knew is Wrong

Sep 14, 2024

You've been told cholesterol is the enemy, right? What if I told you that’s completely wrong? Cholesterol isn’t the villain—it’s a misunderstood hero. Ready to learn why everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is a myth? Let’s uncover the truth behind the most misunderstood substance in your body.

The Benefits of Cholesterol as the Body Intended

(This information is based on Medical Medium teachings.)

Cholesterol plays many essential roles in the body and is not the inherent cause of heart disease as commonly believed. The real issue with cholesterol arises when the liver, which regulates cholesterol production and storage, becomes overburdened with toxins, pathogens, or fats. When functioning optimally, the liver helps maintain cholesterol balance and supports various bodily processes.

One of the common misconceptions is about LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)—the so-called “bad” and “good” cholesterol. In reality, both LDL and HDL are crucial, and their roles are more complex than simply labeling one as bad and the other as good.

LDL ("Bad" Cholesterol) and HDL ("Good" Cholesterol)

LDL, often considered the “bad” cholesterol, serves a vital role in transporting cholesterol from the liver to cells, where it’s needed for repair, hormone production, and other functions. The issue arises when the liver becomes overloaded with toxins or fats and can no longer manage LDL effectively. This leads to cholesterol buildup in the arteries.
On the other hand, HDL, the “good” cholesterol, helps remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and returns it to the liver for processing. A healthy liver produces enough HDL to keep cholesterol in balance.

High Cholesterol Foods

A common misconception is that consuming high-cholesterol foods (like eggs, dairy, and red meat) directly raises blood cholesterol levels. However, the real issue isn’t the cholesterol in these foods, but the liver's capacity to process and regulate fats. Whether it’s cholesterol from animal products or fats from plant-based sources like oils and nuts, it’s the total fat load on the liver that matters most.

When the liver is overwhelmed by toxins or fats, whether healthy or unhealthy, it can’t regulate cholesterol efficiently. Consuming healthy fats in moderation is particularly important for individuals dealing with chronic illness or autoimmune disorders, as their liver is often more taxed by the need to handle toxins, inflammation, and pathogens. Reducing the overall fat intake allows the liver to heal and better manage cholesterol, ultimately improving overall health.

How Cholesterol Benefits the Body

  • Supports Cell Membrane Structure and Function
  • Cholesterol is critical for maintaining the structure and fluidity of cell membranes, which are essential for proper cell function and communication.
  • Hormone Production and Balance
  • Cholesterol is the building block for important hormones like cortisol, sex hormones, and vitamin D. A healthy liver ensures that cholesterol is available for these vital processes.
  • Bile Production for Fat Digestion
  • Cholesterol is necessary for producing bile, which helps break down fats. When the liver functions properly, bile production is optimized, supporting healthy digestion.
  • Nerve and Brain Health
  • Cholesterol supports the myelin sheath, protecting nerves and ensuring efficient communication between nerve cells. It also plays a role in cognitive function and memory.
  • Natural Healing and Tissue Repair
  • Cholesterol assists in tissue repair by being transported to areas that need healing. The liver helps regulate this process, preventing excess cholesterol buildup in the bloodstream.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

The belief that cholesterol causes heart disease is based on outdated information. According to Medical Medium, heart disease is not caused by cholesterol itself, but by an overburdened liver that cannot manage cholesterol and fats properly. When the liver is overwhelmed, LDL cholesterol can build up in the arteries, but this is a symptom of liver dysfunction, not the root cause. The key to heart health is to restore liver function, which in turn regulates cholesterol levels naturally.

How to Support a Healthy Liver and Cholesterol Balance

Here’s how you can restore liver health and achieve balanced cholesterol levels:

  • Detoxify the Liver
  • Celery juice: Drinking 32 oz daily helps cleanse the liver, reduce toxin buildup, and support bile production.
  • Wild blueberries: Full of antioxidants that repair the liver and help eliminate heavy metals.
  • Spirulina, Amla berry, and barley grass juice powder: These detoxifiers clear out toxins and support liver function.
  • Reduce Overall Fat Intake
  • Even healthy fats (like avocado, nuts, and oils) should be consumed in moderation, especially for individuals with chronic illness or autoimmune disorders. The liver in these individuals is already burdened with managing inflammation, pathogens, and toxins, so reducing fat intake gives the liver room to heal.
  • Limit high-fat foods, both animal and plant-based, to ease the liver’s workload and allow it to detox and regenerate properly.
  • Herbal Support
  • Milk thistle: Helps detoxify the liver and regulate cholesterol.
  • Hibiscus tea: Naturally lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Garlic and onions: Aid in reducing cholesterol and supporting liver health.

The Takeaway

Cholesterol isn’t the enemy—it’s a vital substance necessary for many of your body’s key functions. Both LDL and HDL play essential roles, and the real issue lies not in consuming high-cholesterol foods, but in maintaining a healthy liver. For individuals dealing with chronic illness or autoimmune disorders, moderating healthy fats is particularly important. By focusing on detoxifying the liver, reducing overall fat intake, and supporting the liver with healing foods and herbs, you can achieve balanced cholesterol levels naturally—without the need for harmful medications.

Here's to vibrant health,

Jennifer Anastacio

Your Health & Wellnurse

Inspiring & Empowering you to live your healthiest, happiest life! ❤️🌈😄

CholesterolExposed #LiverHealth #CholesterolMyths #BalancedCholesterol #ChronicIllnessSupport #HealingFoods #HealthyFats #DetoxYourLiver #AutoimmuneHealing #MedicalMedium