Aug 21 - Be An Angel Day!

Aug 21 - Be An Angel Day!

Aug 22, 2020

Aug 21 is Be an Angel Day, and as the name suggests, it reminds us to be just that. Pay it forward and do something nice for others, whether they be your loved ones, your neighbor, your pet - or better yet, I challenge you to do something nice for a total stranger! And if you didn't already know, kindness is good for your health, so make it a habit.

To start things off, in the theme of Be an Angel Day, I am offering a free ebook called "The Generous Giraffe", a short fable about being kind to others and receiving kindness in return. I also believe in being kind to yourself, so I am including my 'Loving Yourself Wellness Bundle' because, in order to take care of others, you must take care of yourself first. To download my free products, just click on the link to my group page below:

It would be great and fun to hear about your random acts of kindness, so feel free to leave me a comment.

Love Jennifer,

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